Theme Features

Say hello to Hopscotch, a free design template from your friends at Big Cartel.

We've seen a lot of growth in the world of online shopping, and now it feels like there's no shop too small to have a web presence. We love that, and a lot of indie stores look pretty great, but sometimes they also look quite similar. That's the problem that Hopscotch is aiming to solve. Like other Big Cartel themes, it's designed to work for a variety of stores. But the flexible format and unique image layout ensure you don't look like a cookie-cutter shop. The page feels fun and interesting, but still polished and professional.

Home Page Gallery

If you're struggling to show the range of products that you offer, Hopscotch has a solution: an image gallery on your home page. The gallery appears near the bottom of the page: below your Welcome Image and Featured Products, if you're using them. It's a great spot for those lookbook photos and detail shots that give a broader view of your aesthetic.

Versatile home page

Share as much or as little as you like on your shop's homepage. Hopscotch works whether you're using just an image, just text, or a combination of the two. Or you can skip all of those options and let visitors get straight to shopping. Try out a few options to get Hopscotch working for you.

Product Thumbnail Text options

Change up how text appears in your shop with the options to display product thumbnail text vertically or horizontally. Details like the name and price of your item appear next to its photo on the product list. Mixing up the orientation of that text really does change up the look of your shop with one quick click.

More features you'll love

  • Varied product list layout
  • Control which custom pages appear in header navigation
  • Accent Background color for added visual interest
  • Optimized for any screen size

It's never a bad time to take a look at your shop and confirm that the colors, layout, and fonts are still working for you. If you think it could use a refresh, try Hopscotch on for size. Head to your admin, give the theme a try, and see a preview of your shop with the new look. If you're not quite sure, you can always exit without saving, and your store will stay comfortably as-is. To get a more in-depth look, check out the demo store.

Learn about Hopscotch and the other Big Cartel themes on our [Themes page]( To purchase any of the items that you see in this demonstration store, visit Gynka Knitwear.